Your friendly neighborhood stoners


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Six out of Six Joe Pescis
These guys are absolutely insane and hilarious. Every episode is better than the last. With great commentary and awesome special guests (TOMMY CHONG???!!), this podcast will leave you rolling with laughter, or your money back. Subscribe to this podcast and learn the answer to the question “who would win in a fight: someone who just listens to a podcast, or someone who ALSO leaves a five-star review?” PS: the logo artists is super talented and handsome

smokes and jokes
Do you like comedy? Do you like weed? Do you like comics? Well then what are you doing still reading this review? Listen to the podcast already!

The best kind of dumb
It’s like being in a smoke sesh all over again

Comic and chronic-ally hilarious
This podcast is so entertaining, funny, and just down right good!

6 out of 6 Joe Pesci’s for me
Conversations soo good I wish I was in the room to add my input lol really enjoy this show when I’m at work

Hanging out with my boys
Love these guys. This is just all fun!! It’s like hanging out with my boys.

This is the single best podcast of all time. I always wanted to be someone who listened to a podcasts regularly but could never find one I loved enough to keep coming back to. This one made me laugh out loud from the first listen! These guys are hilarious! Not only that, but they have really good conversations that get you thinking. They turned me on to some of the best series and I would have never found them without Comics and Chronic. I want to be their best friend- these guys rock! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! GO LISTEN TO YOUR NEW FAVORITE PODCAST!

Top Tier Comedy & Cody’s Voice
The podcast fills a niche that I honestly didn’t even know I needed filled until listening. I don’t have near enough time as I’d like to read comic books, so listening to this is like a little condensed audio book/book club meeting in one. Even the episodes on series I’m not familiar with give me a good laugh; and the interviews feel like a little personal smoke sesh thanks to Cody, Jake, and Anthony’s ability to riff off each other & the guest. If nothing else, listen to hear the sweet sound that is Cody Cannon’s voice - it literally scratches an itch in my brain.

Six out of Six Joe Pescis
These guys are absolutely insane and hilarious. Every episode is better than the last. With great commentary and awesome special guests (TOMMY CHONG???!!), this podcast will leave you rolling with laughter, or your money back. Subscribe to this podcast and learn the answer to the question “who would win in a fight: someone who just listens to a podcast, or someone who ALSO leaves a five-star review?”

C an’ C
Great commentary, entertaining banter & relevant guest features. When I grow up I want to be just like Jake F/H!